A commitment to Weathertightness
North Star Inspections has years of Building and Weathertightness expertise combined with our specialist moisture detection tools we offer peace of mind with our comprehensive inspections.
Certified Weathertightness Building Surveyor
Mark Paterson
√ Registered Member NZIBI
√ Professional Indemnity Insurance
√ Bank approved Inspections (ANZ, Westpac, ASB, BNZ, etc)
√ Experienced Builder

Weathertightness Inspections Includes:
- Full Moisture testing of each room at various levels – around joinery, external walls, high risk areas, discolouration, and anywhere else required
- Interior percentage readings for each room.
- Details of moisture ingression findings.
- Inspection of all wet room fittings (Shower etc).
- Photos highlighting defects.
- Comments on the suspected causation and remediation recommendations.
- Exterior assessment of potential weathertightness risks, and/or shortcomings.
High levels of moisture in walls, ceiling or floors have the potential to cause major material and structural deterioration, health problems, and can be very expensive to repair, especially if left.
Invasive Moisture Ingress Survey
For homes with known or suspected ingression issues

Has your home sustained water ingress?
The survey will involve the utilisation of invasive and non-invasive Inspection tools to help identify the extent of the ingression issues.
Infrared thermography is also carried out to help further locate possible ingress and source locations.
Investigation is performed to try to ascertain the possible weathertightness causations including an exterior survey to assess potential weather-tightness defects or risks.
A comprehensive report (often including plan locations) documents our finding, and recommendations.
Further invasive investigations and timber sampling may be required in some areas

Non-Invasive Moisture Meter
Different materials require different meters
A wall may appear dry but below the surface moisture can be present. The non-invasive meter detected below the surface for elevated to high moisture readings.

Infrared/Thermal Imaging
Highly recommended for plaster homes
Infrared scanning perform during a Weathertightness Inspection compliments and expands our ability to locate moisture and ingress points, beyond what can be seem, along with our Weathertightness knowledge and moisture meters.

Know your property or the property you are buying –
Get an Inspection today!